Year 4 has covered the following this term


For grammar, we covered nouns, the different types of nouns and revised when to give nouns capital letters, as well as what makes a noun group. For writing, we read and analyzed many biographies. We focused on famous historical Australians to link to our history unit on post European settlement Australia. The students also wrote biographies of their own focusing on the key information and separating them into paragraphs.


We studied place value up to 10’s of thousands and how to recognize odd and even numbers. We worked on strategies for mental and written addition, how to break up numbers in our head to make them simpler to add, and how to look for things that can add up to 10’s. For written strategies, we worked on the ‘split strategy’ and also vertical addition, up to 5 digits. For geometry, we reviewed the names of shapes and their angles and sides, and different units of measurement and how to convert them. We looked at how to work out the area and perimeter and how to write the notation for area. Our last unit was on fractions, recognizing fractions and equivalent fractions then looking at improper fractions and mixed numbers how to understand them and convert them to each other.

In History, we studied early white settlement and its impacts on indigenous people. We looked at early explorers, why the first fleet came and who was on the first fleet. Then we followed into early inland explorers and the impact that had for the settlers for example: finding new water sources and farmland, but also the effects it had on the indigenous communities they disrupted. In our ICT session, we also did further research and wrote short reports on a chosen explorer. In PE, we focused a lot on team games and for Health we looked at resilience and having a growth mindset. In drama, we looked at mime and made our own short mime performances and in Art we made prints and worked with many different media.

Mrs. Victoria Kelly
Year 4 Teacher